pondelok 5. marca 2018

WZR: Imperial vs. Bauhaus (755 pts.)

Warzone: Resurrection

Three weeks of the fighting. With only a minimum progress. The dense jungle of Venus was not well suited for a classic imperial fighting style. There were not kilometres of digged trenches. No thunder of firing artillery. Only vegetations. Animals. And the army of Bauhaus defending their home world.

They all knew that this won´t be an easy job. Only the small part of Imperial forces had previous experiences with fighting in such conditions. Blood Berets and small groups of Special Forces. But it will not be enough. Everybody knew it. Except the commanding officers. So they keep fighting and keep dying.

The Dark Reaper was at the head of the attack. This time they cannot fail. The army needs a shinning victory.  A boost to the morale. Nothing else matters. Victory or Death. 

After a little break we have played another game and this time with increased points (755). So I expanded my last list with some new models (grey ghosts) and some proxies (wolfbane commandes count as berets with heavy chainrippers).

MoW army: MacGuire, McBride (army commander), 5x Blood Berets, 5x Blood Berets with rippers, 5x ISF (infiltrate, antipers ammo, ir googles) with 2 mastiffs, 3x Grey Ghosts and 3x Golden Lions.

Bauhaus army: Max Steiner, 2x Venusian Kapitan, 2x 10 Hussars (with heavy weapons) and 2x 5x Venusian Rangers with rockets.

Mission is Advanced Base (yeah I am really lucky with this one) and I lost the initiative again. I put my ISF with dogz to my deploment zone. Grey Ghosts took a mid filed against enemy infiltrators (and my enemy was forced to deploy his rangers on flanks without support). Blood Berets (shooty unit) were in the middle and they were waiting to kill some revealed rangers). Golden Lions and another unit of Berets (close combat one) were counter deployed near the stalking rangers on the right flank. 

Turn 1: My oponnet revealed the rangers on the right flank few inches from my cc berets. But their shooting was awfull (2 grenades and 2 missiles = 3x scatter more than 4") and for me it means only 2 dead berets. Then berets repaid the courtesy to the rangers and they charged them. But only one died. One of the Grey Ghosts revealed the second unit of rangers. Second one shot  the only one unengaged ranger and had pinned a rest of the squad.

Turn 2: On the left flank a combined shooting of ISF and Berets killed whole squad of the rangers. Before their bloody demise the rangers managed to kill only one beret. Second squad of the rangers was torn to pieces with the three remaining berets. Shooting of Hussars is ineffective thank to the central terrain and my incredible cover rolls. I repositioned Lions to support MacGuire in next turn.

Turn 3: Blood Berets continued in their blood path through the Bauhaus forces (they have killed 4 hussars and Venusian Kapitan in 2 turns). Golden Lions were revealed by one bold Hussar who was killed in return. The rest of my army was in a control distance of the objective.

Turn 4: Golden Lions charged Hussars on the left flank to keep my opponent´s units occupied. By such action I wanted to prevent their advance for the central objective. Although the whole squad of lions was decimated, their sacrifice was crucial to the outcome of the battle. In the end  my opponent didn´t have enough bullets to kill all of my remaining soldiers.

Final score - 15:0 for Imperial.
(+10 for primary mission and +5 for body counts)

Another great game. MVP goes to blood berets with heavy chainrippers. They were absolutely amazing and I am looking forward to build them from my new set that have arrived few days after this battle. My oponnent made a few mistakes. The biggest one was deploying his rangers in charge distance from my berets. 

Next time I hope we will increase points to 1k and we will add the advanced combat deck cards for the first time. Hope you like the report. Thank you for reading.

+++ Alessan +++